Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First post!!!

Alright Family, here it is....our family blog! PLEASE contribute at least monthly. I'll post a little something about our August on Sunday or possibly the next Sunday, but for now I'm leaving us all with an adorable pictures of the Jones Family!!! WE MISS YOU GUYS! COME bACK!!!!!


  1. Nice blog.. I'm not a blogger but I am the Dad so I need to do something. Keeping you all up on Mom and her surgery. She will be getting the surgery on Wednesday the 1st of September and hopefully will get her out of pain and able to function better.
    Little experience at the Temple last night you all might enjoy. Several people saw a little sparrow at the door of the Celestial room and noticed he flew into the room. The President and some of the brethren went of a sparrow chase and the bird somehow found his way into the attic of the Temple. They had to be very quiet as there were sealings and a session going on while they chased the bird throughout the attic. Finally he buried himself in some insulation and the "search and destroy" crew had to climb down without success. About 2 hours later Mom was stationed at the top of the stairs and she saw the bird come walking down the hallway from the Celestial room to the Presidents office. She carefully followed him and when he went in the Presidents office she closed the door on him. Couple of the brethren had him cornered and after several minutes of finally cornering him in the office they successfully threw a towel over him and captured the wiley little fowl. It was found he had no recommend and was therefore taken outside of the front door and he flew away. President Tenney truly believed that there was divine intervention as they would have had to stay until they found the bird because any movement would have activated the alarm. He was not sure how they would have gone about it. SO.. God does indeed work in mysterious ways!!
    We also just got back from a short vacation with the gang to Durango and had a great time.
    The house in Taylor had a list of items that didn't pass inspection so we are in the process of clearing them up and may be able to start moving some stuff in a week or two.
    I hope you are all happy and doing good in these tough days of Obama and we all pray America will regain her senses and can be returned to Constitutional principles.
    Love you all..

  2. Great Idea! Thanks for putting us big at life on the first post! I'll write a post but it won't let me on the dashbroad? What am I doing wrong?
