Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lena, Lena Lou

I just don't know how this new baby (insert boy name) will every beat what a GREAT baby Alina has been. She is so easy-going, happy and sweet. She's bit of a messy eater but she loves her baths. She has made it easier for me to be huge and pregnant with four little one.

Alina, aka "Trash Digger" or "Spoon Thief", is on the move. The week before her 1st b-day she started walking and that is when all the criminal acts began. Here she is catch red handed with the Chili can that she removed from the trash can.

Here's a silly little picture of her 1st b-day/ BYU football party for Dad. Ali wanted nothing to do with the cake. I couldn't make her touch it. And yes, what little hair she has really is red.

Alina is an outside girl. She has loves the pumpkins, picking flowers and dirt. She also love the blue bike, however the silly thing just keep going in circles for her. I think we need to get her a bike for Christmas.

We love our little dome headed baby, Ali!

Octobers Happenings!

Wendy, Jack, Troll, Bun in the Oven, Bun Maker, Nerd, Batgirl and Biker chick at our family bon-fire! (Kayla handmade their costumes - Amazing!)

We had this whole peach beach house to ourselves - so we wanna share it with the Paul Hatch family next year! We could all fit in both sides, wanna come???? (the pipe wont be there next year, they are dredging)

Few of my favorite disneyland shots. Can the Gutterys looks any weirder?

Tary- Taryz

Unlike Kendall, Taryn has turned into a smiler! We love it! She asks to get her picture taken doing anything. So, here's Taryn painting pumpkins!

Here's Taryn as a Princess!
My favorite part about this picture is sweet baby Lena in the background. Eat her up!

Tary-taryz doing her chore of putting away the spoons. Sweet she is!

Taryn loved Kendall field trip, I think more than Kendall. When everyone else was picking out a pumpkin to take home, Taryn picked out a flower from the pumpkin vine. She sees potential.

Taryn LOVE dance class with her buddy Katy Beatty! She might like the dance close as much as dance class. Taryn is a Barbie girl! She loves dress up, Princess videos, girl music, makeup, jewelry, and all thing girl.
Oh, and if you haven't heard, she's POTTY trained! Yippy for me! This is a picture of Taryn mixing potty training with finger paints. Nice!

Kendall Macy

Oh, we love the Kendalls! This has become a classic face that Kendall makes when I ask her to smile for the camera! Love it!

Kendall's preschool class when to a pumpkin patch for a field trip! Taryn and Kendall BEST friend Maggie were with us so good times were had by all! Kendall also got to bring home the class pet Skittles the frog for the week!

Kendall on the first day of preschool. She's getting so big!
Kendall's first day of preschool was Taryn's first day of dance class, so a hug was in order.
Tell me those aren't the cutest little girls EVER! They love each other. I hope they make room for Alina.

Garrrett's past 4 months

Garrett had a field trip to a apple orchid. As his father was the chaperon, they came home with bags for apples. So Garrett and I have tried every apple pie recipe on the Internet!

Here's picture of Garrett's first day as a 1st grader! I love this boy! Go Suns! Sorry Grandpa, still a fan!

Garrett 7th Birthday wasn't that exciting! Because we had just got back from AZ, we keep it mellow. Garrett want to shoot off his rocket, play on the Chick-fila playground (we never really go inside), make a pie, and buy his own presents. So off to Toys' R Us. Thanks to the great time Garrett had at the Bollwinkles this summer ALL he wanted was new Nerf guns to battle with his friends. He picked the MISSILE launcher! Great fun, a little dangerous for his sister at close range.
I love Garrett's forced smile for the camera.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You guys STINK!

Ok, everyone stinks really bad at keeping in touch through the blog (and the phone and e mail and real life and texts, and face book, and whatever else) i hope the extremely grumpy look here helps get you going.

Paula, I'll send you the smiley faced knome for your awesome post last week!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gardner Goin'ons

So as to not be disowned by my sweet sister, Kristal, I am now--hereby--officially...blogging! Can't promise it will be regular and can't promise is will be exciting, but I am gonna try :) Paula has been teaching alot of piano lessons and just about at the end of apple orders for the season. I'm also working on helping Jamison apply for scholarships and send in highlight video to college coaches. This week is Jamison's last regular season football game before playoffs. His team is undefeated and the region champs this year. State playoffs start next week! We have had so much fun with him and his friends from the football team. We're really gonna miss those Friday night lights:( The coach from Southern Virginia University called him the other day and wants him to send some game tapes and a highlight video. He's talking to him about playing for them, but he wants him to play the fall season and a spring season before he goes on his mission and he's not sure if he wants to wait that long. We're sending tapes to some colleges in Utah and a few others. He's also been talking to the assistant baseball coach as BYU, so we'll see where that takes us. Quinn is loving Jr. High and his Jr. High soccer team is starting their playoffs today. Go South Valley! He also played football this season and really likes it. I know...weird...Quinn playing football! We've gotta put some meat on his bones before high school :) Bet and Brian are doing good. Both are working new jobs and attending temple prep classes in their ward. Don't know what their plans are for sure, but we're proud of the positive steps they are both taking. Trace is working too much, as usual, and enjoying serving in the Young Men's program with Jamers. Jake (the spoiled, white dog) is lovin' his life which consists mostly of eating, sleeping and wrestling with the boys. It's good to be a dog :)